
Tutankhamun - Ed. Burlington - 9789963482528

Tutankhamun becomes pharaoh at the age of nine. Egypt needs a strong leader to govern but, like most nine-year-old boys, he prefers to play and have fun. But the Egyptian court is a dangerous place for a young pharaoh, and he has got some jealous enemies. Army general Horemheb watches and waits, noting the boy's weaknesses and plotting the young pharaoh's downfall. Can Tutankhamun battle such a po
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Tutankhamun becomes pharaoh at the age of nine. Egypt needs a strong leader to govern but, like most nine-year-old boys, he prefers to play and have fun. But the Egyptian court is a dangerous place for a young pharaoh, and he has got some jealous enemies. Army general Horemheb watches and waits, noting the boy's weaknesses and plotting the young pharaoh's downfall. Can Tutankhamun battle such a powerful enemy?


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