
My Lady, Anne Boleyn - Ed. Burlington - 9789963510153

Servant girl Meg tells the sad story of her mistress, Anne Boleyn. Anne captivated King Henry VIII, who later broke his union with the Catholic Church to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, and marry Anne. This infuriated Catholics everywhere and made Anne very unpopular. Anne couldn't give Henry a male heir and soon discovered that a king's love comes and goes, with tragic consequences f
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Servant girl Meg tells the sad story of her mistress, Anne Boleyn. Anne captivated King Henry VIII, who later broke his union with the Catholic Church to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, and marry Anne. This infuriated Catholics everywhere and made Anne very unpopular. Anne couldn't give Henry a male heir and soon discovered that a king's love comes and goes, with tragic consequences for her.


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